SimplyClean Peppermint Body Wash 1 ltr
Peppermint Body Wash is beautifully smooth, with a creamy lather and the natural fragrance of pure Australian peppermint oil. We only use the best and essential ingredients to leave your skin soft, clean and fresh.
- NO artificial fragrances
- Kind to sensitive and easily irritated skin
- pH 5.5, just perfect for your skin
- Toxin & sensitiser free: Free from sodium lauryl sulfate & sodium laureth sulfate
- (SLS & SLES), PEGs, parabens, mineral oils, CDE and methylisothiazolinone (CMIT
- & MIT)
- Family safe and earth safe
- Grey water and septic safe
- No animal testing or animal products
- Palm oil free
INGREDIENTS: Aqua, cocoamidopropyl hydroxysultaine & cocoamide monoethanolamine (mild, plant derived surfactants), sodium C14 -16 olefin sulfonate (biodegradable surfactant), glycerin (vegetable based skin moisturiser), sodium chloride (table salt; natural thickener), phenoxyethanol & sorbic acid (organic, low dose preservatives stop growth of bacteria and mould in products stored in wet areas), Australian peppermint oil house blend (citrus aurantifolia, mentha piperita, lavandula angustifolia, citrus limonum, citrus reticulata, eucalyptus globulus.